General Electric Range timers

We have over 40 years experience in troubleshooting, testing, repairing and rebuilding most faulty General Electric range controllers and timers. We also sell rebuilt General Electric range timers from our stock.

Below are some General Electric range timer models that we have experience with. If your General Electric range timer model is not listed below, please contact us now since we should still be able to repair your timer.

We guarantee all of our repaired and stock General Electric range timers for one full year.

Timer Model Description
WB12K0009Timer ERC2 (part number WB12K9 replaced with WB12K6)
WB19X5233Control no longer available, must be repaired
WB19X5271Timer - Discontinued by the manufacturer
WB19X5282Electronic clock kit replaces mechanical clocks with more reliable digital timer - the manufacturer has replaced part number WB19X5282 replaced with WB19X10006
WB19X5292Timer - Discontinued by the manufacturer
WB27K10049Control (no overlay)
WB27K5037Clock erc ns (part number WB27K5037 replaced with WB12K7)
WB27K5045Electronic clock control - the manufacturer has replaced part number WB27K5045 replaced with WB27K5203
WB27K5048Clock/oven control
WB27K5068Electronic clock erc ii control - Discontinued by the manufacturer
WB27K5103Electronic clock control kit (part number WB27K5103 replaced with WB27T10324)
WB27K5251Electronic clock control
WB27K5319Electronic clock control kit with door latch assembly (part number WB27K5319 replaced with WB27T10289)
WB27T10144(part number WB27T10144 replaced with WB27T10223)
WB27T10310Control oven assembly
WB27T10484Control ovn (ERC3HP)
WB27T10492Control oven ERC3
WB27X0240Smart board